Alizé Siegfried

Alizé is Brazilian-American raised in the bohemian beach town of Montezuma, Costa Rica. She has aba ckground in law, and is on the board of two nonprofit organizations dedicated to environmental and human rights advocacy in Central America and the Caribbean. She is fiercely passionate about community activism, social justice, and environmental protection. Though her passions do not stop there, expanding to the creations of poetry, fashion, graffiti, and music production. She is also a movement artist, specializing in fire dance.

Alizé’s inquiry into metaphysics and holistic wellness is defined by growing up close to the Earth and her profound connection to nature; this intrinstic relationship allows her to open and hold sacred, healing spaces by calling upon the natural energy. Alizé facilitates Yoga Nidra, Tarot, and Family Constellation.

To quote her, “I’m always happiest in the ocean surfing, diving, and sailing.”


Dulce Maria

